Without a doubt, the touch of God I received in the summer of 1993 was life changing. As big as this was at the time, it turns out it was just the beginning. It was during that summer that we experienced revival through the ministry of Rodney Howard-Browne. Over 4000 people were born-again during six weeks of services. There were over 1200 baptized. Thousands of people came through the doors of Calvary Cathedral. These people represented hundreds of different churches, ministries, and many denominations. This meeting, along with Rodney’s meetings at Carpenter’s Home Church in Lakeland, Florida, are a part of Pentecostal church history.
The meetings at Calvary started a new awareness of the Holy Spirit in my life. My ministry was never the same and became marked by a greater effectiveness. The Gifts of the Spirit began to manifest in greater frequency, altar calls had greater impact, and people were affected in a greater way than ever before. Along with this touch of God came the anointing to preach as never before. Prior to that time I had taught the Word but never had the powerful proclamation we usually associate with preaching – that all changed in ’93.
I want to present several posts that give you some of the things I’ve learned conducting revival services since that time. I’ll try not to limit these things to being in charge of services. Most of these things can be applied to walking in the Spirit and can be useful to every spirit-filled believer.